after 6 years of intensive trading, I pinned my biggest mistakes down and hopefully, you won't learn them the hard way.
one of the biggest questions I find all around
can you really make money trading.
well to answer the doubt that you may have.
yes, you can make big money, yes you can get rich. don't let nobody tell you otherwise.
but keep in mind, trading is not a playground,
and is definitely not a place for you to try your luck.
mistake number 1
starting with real money something I regret.
there are a bunch of trading platforms that
will give you a demo account with around
100.000$ to exercise on so don't take it for
granted. try every Technik that you like in
The demo account don't be tempted to pour
money in without getting a grip on how to not
lose money. not on how to make money.
mistake number 2
not taking it serious enough.that's a classic.
oh, I'm going to pour this 1000 buck in here.
oil seems low right, I'm going to put 250$ on it, that's 25% of my account, it sure has to go up later, or tomorrow right?. wrong, your chances of getting wiped out are the same as a new surfer. there something called a trend. more on that later on.
mistake number 3
one off the biggest mistake there is leverage. leveraged trades are the biggest temptation I could remember above 25, you're practically gambling. yes, don't bring excuses. that's gambling.
keep it down there in the 10 lows. remember I learned it the hard way, sure sometimes I hit it big not worth it in the long run, remember mistake number 2.
mistake number 4
on average I made more bad trades than good ones by staying in front of the screen.
open trades way too early or closing way to quickly.don't sit in front of the won't help. and I personally think you're being, your worst enemy. get used to long trades minimum aweek.
mistake number 5
holding to one company, oh classic this company is going to blow soon, right,rightttt? to be fair,
it might, to be honest not for now, you will get yourself stuck in a company with multiple trades.
sometimes for months.and if you have limited capital it might hurt. diversify your portfolio.
what I recommend?.sure there are a lot of good platforms out there, but I would highly recommend,
etoro. why etoro? well, it has a social touch to it so you can see, copy, and ask what other high profile traders are doing, that's a ++ free information in eyesight.remember to take all information
as information, and not as a go sign
it is free to sign in, try it out and tell me your experience.
important notice
i will be making a small account for those who want to
join with a little sum of cash between 100 and 1000$
check back soon