Thursday, February 21, 2019

trading for beginners

as a beginner in trading you will find yourself with an incredible amount of options, like which platform, what to trade,and how to trade,before you get that far you need to have some things clear first, with trading your whole investment is at risk, as a beginner there is a big chance that you can get wiped out. well we can get those chances down. i had a rough learning curve lost everything in the process couse i didn't have the knowledge that I'm going to share with you so pay attention.

                                    let's get you started
let me get you started. you can use the platform off your choice,but I'm going to suggest because it is easy for beginners and also easy to use. first you'll get a demo account to practice on with a sum of $100.000 now pay attention,  why this is good for beginners, most beginners want to see their money work immediately. I can not blame them, here is where etoro comes in it has a really
useful copy program you can copy other experienced investors of your choice. that means every trade they are doing you are doing not saying you should not trade on your saying meanwhile you are learning with the demo account you can copy someone of your choice so that you can still see your money moving. that will buy you patience, and time to
practice properly because you will need extensive practice time if you are serious about trading.  

                                                    some valuable tips
diversify your portfolio never allocate all your capital in one company
buy like you are biding, for example, if you are going to invest 1000$ in google do it in steps of 250
with days in between steps.
never use high leverage, if you are serious about trading use max 10 leverage for commodities
and 2 for stocks
discipline is your friend. don't sit in front off the pc, make a trade check it daily or weekly not hourly
view your winning trades as losing trades, don't close a winning trade early, if you do your losing trades will be the winner trades on average.
reply with tips that you may have for others to use.

Friday, February 15, 2019

5 trading mistakes

mistakes to avoid while trading the market
after 6 years of intensive trading, I pinned my biggest mistakes down and hopefully, you won't  learn them the hard way.
one of the biggest questions I find all around
can you really make money trading.
well to answer the doubt that you may have.
yes, you can make big money, yes you can get rich. don't let nobody tell you otherwise.
but keep in mind, trading is not a playground,
 and is definitely not a place for you to try your luck.

                  mistake number 1 
starting with real money something I regret. 
there are a bunch of trading platforms that
will give you a demo account with around
100.000$ to exercise on so don't take it for
granted. try every Technik that you like in 
The demo account don't be tempted  to pour 
money in without getting a grip on how to not 
lose money. not on how to make money.

                   mistake number 2
not taking it serious enough.that's a classic.
oh, I'm going to pour this 1000 buck in here.
oil seems low right, I'm going to put 250$ on it, that's 25% of my account, it sure has to go up later, or tomorrow right?. wrong, your chances of getting wiped out are the same as a new surfer. there something called a trend. more on that later on.

                   mistake number 3
 one off the biggest mistake there is leverage. leveraged trades are the biggest temptation I could remember above 25, you're practically gambling. yes, don't bring excuses. that's gambling.
keep it down there in the 10 lows. remember I learned it the hard way, sure sometimes I hit it big not worth it in the long run, remember mistake number 2.  
              mistake number 4 
on average I made more bad trades than good ones by staying in front of the screen.
open trades way too early or closing way to quickly.don't sit in front of the won't help. and I personally think you're being, your worst enemy. get used to long trades minimum aweek.

                 mistake number 5
holding to one company, oh classic this company is going to blow soon, right,rightttt? to be fair,
it might, to be honest not for now, you will get yourself stuck in a company with multiple trades.
sometimes for months.and if you have limited capital it might hurt. diversify your portfolio.

what I recommend?.sure there are a lot of good platforms out there, but I would highly recommend,
 etoro. why etoro? well, it has a social touch to it so you can see, copy, and ask what other high profile traders are doing, that's a ++ free information in eyesight.remember to take all information
as information, and not as a go sign it is free to sign in, try it out and tell me your experience.

                                                                          important notice
                                            i will be making a small account for those who want to 
                                            join with a little sum of cash between 100 and 1000$
                                            check back soon

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

the dark alley

before I get home there is a dark alley I have to go thru, there is no other way around it, I call it the alley of the dead.
growing up with the wrong role models could lead you to believe in unrealistic life choices.
and the consequence of that is, you will become an antisocial person or an introverted individual. it will be difficult for you to click 
with other people and will most likely lead you 
thru the alleys of the dead.
you will find yourself lonely, with ideas that only you can relate to and expectations that only you can live up to.
now you have to walk every day thru the alley of dead
that you will find yourself fighting, 
with bipolar disorder, today you happy and full of ideas, but tomorrow you're miserable, suicidal, and
broken. you will have to fight against high highs and
low lows. if you manage to get out of it thing are far from over.

without notice, depression will find it's way in.
and take you thru the alley of dead. now you are fighting again to stay afloat people will start to ask, are you ok, and you reply, yes... I am.knowing dam well that you aren't an now is the time that you will need them the most, but as an introvert is never easy to reach for help.

the dark alley turned in to your reality, day in an day out you have to go thru the same alley.
when will it stop, when will the light shine thru?    
today you manage to hang on, but what about tomorrow, what about tomorrow!

 one thing you should never forget is that you are
not alone. you have that one friend that will gladly stay in touch with you if he knew, if only 
he knew. that's why you should not go thru the alley alone look for a companion to carry you thru the dark times and hopefully, it will shine again sooner than you think. 

please feel free to reply with your ordeal I
would appreciate it 

why i believe in ghost

why I started to believe in ghosts, and why should you.
first, let me start by saying I'm not the one who,
believe in things blindly. and I never believed in ghost. I've heard all the stories, had a good laugh an that's it.

since a was a kid, I was listening to good stories, ghost stories, together with
the mermaid stories they never get old.

 but it wasn't until I find myself, face to face, with the undeniable proof that, my way of looking at the world was changed forever, I mean forever.

one day after buying some stuff with my mother
I was heading to her home to drop her off.
it was around 9 pm, so not so late at all.
so I was driving on this road it was dark,
with little light here and there, we were heading to the last turn  and suddenly in front of the car
I saw a figure clearly cross the road and went
in the same direction, we were heading
when I turned to look at my mother, I saw that she to was in shock, that's when I knew it was real. I didn't know what to do, and after I managed to cool off, I came to the conclusion.
 it is true, everything was true we are not alone,
on this earth.who are this ghostly figures that are rooming
this earth with us.what are their purpose in this world. 

since that day I started to give a lot more respect to these entities. I meet a lot of people who don't want to believe in ghost, I had a couple of strange calls during the years. but since I'm up to date with them existing. I don't freak out

if you have similar stories please share it with me I would appreciate it

unconscious fighting the conscious

I think is time for me to ask. can I win?
can I really win against my own mind?
is everybody else having the same problem?
m'I alone in this?

I'm starting to feel that I'm the only one that have to take a break from people.
I need some alone time to try to get in sync,
or out of sync with the thoughts that are racing,
true my everybody dealing with this.
or am I the only one?
when things are starting to get serious.
I know you are familiar with it, or maybe not
but you start to get overwhelmed with what started,
as reasonable thoughts. and are now taking you to a whole new low. should I even be here, why m I here for?
I think everybody would be a lot better without me around
even my children, they would have a better parent than me
 the mind torture become so much that you start to cry
everything mixing together in your head,
no clear thoughts coming true, and then is when it hit you
maybe I should kill myself, there is no other way out.
the cries are coming true more and more, and  you are really
contemplating the options. are we still on the same page ??

I can not say there is help, but I can say there is another day.i don't know how I manage to get out of those deep lows,
but it is worth it.

what I do have are suggestions.
an important one,  don't have the means to go, true with your plans,  in hand reach.
otherwise, you won't have enough time to,
get out of it. get rid off all the means.

chances are that you are an introvert individual you should work on making at least one good friend. it will really help you on one of those days. because when you wake up on that dreadful day, you can go by your friend and do whatever they are doing. even helping with chores. it will get the good side of your mind going. and guess what, you will see another day.
 well, I did!!

 I can say oh well, go out and live. but most of those problems, are there because of financial problems, so it is not easy to just, go to the movies today. and go fishing tomorrow

if you can leave me a comment on how you manage yours, I will appreciate it.
there will be better days

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

fighting agains a ghost

racing thoughts running thru your head, with no way to stop them. does that sound familiar 
most off the time they are telling you, why are you such a loser, why didn't you do this, or why
didn't you do that. you could have done this you could have done that ,constantly  firing true your head. leaving no space for positive thinking . and after covering your head with a pillow to at least try to slow the noise down. and then, the most horrible thought of them all come sipping thru the pillow 
and in to your ear . and it says maybe you should end it all, maybe you should  end it all here,
maybe the only way out is to kill yourself , maybe it is your only way out .your only way to escape 
from this cruel world that is hunting your brain down. does it sound familiar ???

well then we have something in common .
how do we fight this , is there  a way to fight it??
is it bipolar disorder , is it depression 
what the hell is  tormenting or poor souls.
 I've been fighting with it for years now and I 
managed to put my hand on the triggers. 
things like bad memories from the past,
thing like not accomplishing goals you've set
things like years going by and nothing is changing. sometimes it may be as little as a flat tire. but why, I ask my self when I manage to step out of it. 

maybe you have tried medication and the thing is most of the medication I have tried came with huge side effect. like the ones to keep you calm . and the ones to help you sleep 
they will make you like a zombie and you wouldn't even know it 
I learned it the hard way 
my bad for the long post, am writing it  from my head, and I would really like to hear  how you deal with this type of problem 
like I was saying, I still don't have a way to deal with this properly .but I came to conclusion that,
if you isolate your self from people it can get worst, like if you have children you should go around them. and help them with something, it will go away by its own if you are alone calling people does not help in my case. you should go around people and not just be there, you should engage in something like any type of project they are doing, get involved it will help believe me 

hey and try to put goals in your daily life, if you have nothing on your list the bad thought will find
there way too you.
when I started with this post I was in a horrible state of mind, but before I reached down here my mind 
started to clean, and am in a better state right now 
I hope that you take your time to leave me a comment, and maybe tell me  how you are dealing with yours 

trading for beginners

as a beginner in trading you will find yourself with an incredible amount of options, like which platform, what to trade,and how to trade,be...